Thursday 18 December 2014

Remember that you can be part of the Solution or part of the Problem. By sharing your comments, concerns, recommendation and suggestions you can be a part of the Solution. By not sharing your experiences, concerns, recommendation and suggestion, you may be contributing to the Problem.  Keep visiting our Blog to help protect the safety and security of passengers and users of airport and other civil aviation interest.  Be Proud to be part of the Solution.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Well done! you arrived safely at your destination. Thanks to the efforts of the men and women working assiduously behind the scenes to implement every security measure necessary to ensure your safety. So lets show our appreciation and not bash them all the time for long lines, delayed flights, missed connections and all the other restrictions.


Saturday 13 December 2014

Be prepared for very long lines at screening checkpoint at airports around the Christmas season. Pack lightly your baggage you will take with you on the aircraft.  Don't carry more than one piece, and ensure its only what you need while in the aircraft or your valuable. this will help you get through the lines more quickly.

Thursday 11 December 2014

It the Christmas Season and travellers want to take a variety of gifts and other items to their family and friends where they are visiting. Remember do not accept to carry an gift items through security checkpoint from unknown persons, as they may contain illegal items; and you find your self behind bars.

Monday 8 December 2014

Do you believe that airport security personnel should carry firearms at an airport to assist law enforcement? or do you believe that there should be visibly more armed law enforcement personnel at an airport to create a deterrent to criminals and would be terrorists?

Friday 5 December 2014

Do you believe that CCTV Cameras installed at airports are effective in safeguarding travelling customers and well wishers against crimes and terrorist activity. How do you think they can put to better use at the airport, so that you feel more safe at airports knowing that they are there as a security measure?

Thursday 4 December 2014

Not leaving your bags unattended prior to and at an airport terminal; and or carrying gifts or items for other persons that you received from a person not known to you personally is unsafe. You may be placing your life or the lives of others in danger. Be aware always.

Monday 1 December 2014

Your safety and security is the main reason this blog exist. We pride ourselves on finding solutions for security at airports with your help. So keep sending us your views and concerns to protect your safety and security, while improving your customer experience.  Join thousands of customers and become part of this important blog.